The hottest music from Chicago & beyond

Month: January 2014

Pick Your Poison: Thursday 1-9-14

Since we’re still in a bit of a lull to start off the year, let me take a very quick moment to tell you a little about what to expect from Faronheit in 2014. Once we really get going, I’m genuinely hoping this is going to be the best year ever for the site. Here’s why. In terms of content, you’ll still be getting the same Pick Your Poison posts four (sometimes five) days a week. Additionally, the plan is to return to multiple album reviews each week. They won’t be the same long form thinkpieces like I have done in the past (and which have started to take me weeks to write), but instead more compacted single paragraph reviews like my writeups for the Top 50 Albums of 2013 posts. It may not get as in depth as I’d like, but it will present more content that will be easy and quick to read. As another means of content, starting in February I’ll be highlighting a single song on the site as my “Song of the Week.” You’ll learn more about that and see what I mean when it starts up next month. Lastly, there will be a Class of 2014. Much like my Class of 2013 and Class of 2012, I will be selecting 10 artists to watch closely over the course of this year, and see how they blossom. Past alumni include Grimes, Frank Ocean, Lana Del Rey, Haim, Chvrches, Savages and many more. I’ve got the Class of 2014 artists already picked out, so expect a post introducing them to you within the next week or so. This is gonna be fun! Speaking of fun, here’s today’s Pick Your Poison, which has some great tracks from Acid Fast, Bass Science, Gem Club, Mykki Blanco, Protomartyr and Treasure Fingers & The Knocks. In the Soundcloud section after the jump, stream songs from Bleeding Rainbow, Bombay Bicycle Club, Kyla La Grange, A Sunny Day in Glasgow and Vanaprasta, among others.

Aashton – I Need Someone

Acid Fast – Shred Forever

A$AP Nast – Trillmatic (Blunt Sinatras Reflip)

Bass Science – Stand Ground

Daughter – Youth (Budo Remix)

Eskeerdo ft. Miike Snow – Devil’s Work

Gem Club – Braid

Mykki Blanco – Booty Bamboo

Neon Satori – Bells of Esmeralda

Protomartyr – Scum, Rise

Rigbi – Leaving Home

Sleepers Work – Basement Lights

Treasure Fingers & The Knocks – DYWT

Yasmine Hamdan – Deny

Pick Your Poison: Wednesday 1-8-14

So we’re officially one week into January 2014, and due to unfortunate delays, my Top 50 Albums of 2013 countdown has spilled over into the new year. Honestly I was hoping to have it done a long time ago, but life got in the way. So sorry about that. Anyways, on Monday the final 10 albums were revealed, and that’s something I want to strongly encourage you to check out. I’m really proud of the full list this year, even if the last couple albums on it are pretty predictable. It’s sort of good to know there’s at least a consensus though, right? Or is it one of those situations where you’re so tired of seeing the same things it’d be nice to be surprised for once? I understand both perspectives. Hopefully there are a few wild cards elsewhere in the Top 10 and the Top 50 in general that might inspire you to strap on some headphones and try something new. If that doesn’t work, there’s always Pick Your Poison to introduce you to new music. In today’s set, enjoy cuts from Acid Invaders, Keath Mead, MC Tree, Nina Yasmineh, Party Supplies, Rain Dog and Tim Woulfe. In the Soundcloud section after the jump, stream new tracks from +/-, The Casket Girls, ceo, The Men and Trust, among others.

Acid Invaders – Connections 49

Adventure Galley – In Your Dreams (Magic Sword & Noah Hyde Remix)

Coldplay – Clocks (Unlike Pluto Remix)

Keath Mead – Grow Up

Kinetics – The Island

MC Tree – Like Whoa

MyBaby – Matoto

Nina Yasmineh – Name

Party Supplies – Security

Rain Dog – Regolith

Sphynx – What Is Love (Haddaway cover)

Stats – 2 Minds (Emperor Yes Remix)

Strehlow – Easy (Original Mix)

Tim Woulfe – Joyce

Pick Your Poison: Tuesday 1-7-14

Welcome to the first official Pick Your Poison entry of 2014! Okay, so a couple days ago I did do a Pick Your Poison post, and it technically was January when I put it up, but to be fair all the songs found within it were leftovers from 2013. I needed to clear out the old to bring in the new, even if that “old” means just a few days. Also, you may notice there was no Monday edition of Pick Your Poison. Sadly, this year is getting off to a slow start and I didn’t have enough music to fill a Pick Your Poison post! So bear with me a little bit as we get rolling into the new year. There’s not a whole lot I want to say as an intro here, so let me just get right into it and recommend tracks from Close, Soft, Common, Confluence, Flagland, Passenger Peru, Sam Page and The Tontons in the set below. In the Soundcloud section after the jump, you can stream songs from Broken Bells, Chromeo (ft. Toro y Moi), Hospitality, Jupe Jupe and You Blew It!, among others.

Champs – Only a Bullet Knows Where to Run

Close, Soft – MyBaby

Common – War

Confluence – Awaiting

Flagland – Comfortable Life

Franchot Tone – Everything’s Fine

Leif Vollebekk – Southern United States

Misun – Nothing Else

Passenger Peru – Heavy Drugs

The Pluto Moons – Do It For Me

Sam Page – Release Me

Slippertails – Walk

The Tontons – Magic Hour

Turchi – Mind’s Eye

Listmas 2013: The Top 50 Albums of the Year [#10-1]

And just like that, we’ve reached the end of our Top 50 Albums countdown journey. It’s been interesting and a whole lot of fun to put together, and I sincerely hope that you’ve enjoyed this and the other Listmas entries that have helped to wrap up 2013 and start 2014. This has extended far later than I wanted it to go, and all the delays are due to a variety of factors that I don’t care to get into, but at this point I’m just glad we made it. Thank you for bearing with me, and I hope we can still be friends after this. In case you missed anything from this year’s Listmas, let me give you a quick rundown and direct links to the many posts that took over the site in December and this early part of January.

Previously on the Top 50 Albums of 2013:
Part I [#50-41]
Part II [#40-31]
Part III [#30-21]
Part IV [#20-11]

The Top 50 Songs of 2013:
Part I [#50-41]
Part II [#40-31]
Part III [#30-21]
Part IV [#20-11]
Part V [#10-1]

So here they are, my Top 10 Albums of 2013. I genuinely love each and every one of the records listed below, and strongly recommend that you give them a listen or buy copies of them should you have the chance. These albums also make up a great snapshot of 2013, featuring a wide variety of music styles and genres that I don’t want to hint at. Just take it all in after the jump, and by all means enjoy to the fullest extent allowed. Thanks! Drumroll please…

Pick Your Poison: Week of 12-30-13

Happy 2014! So the site is still on “break” for the holidays, and I’m continuing to crank out the final posts of Listmas 2013 (now bleeding into 2014). Thanks for your patience with the Listmas stuff, by the way. It’s been a stressful month, and there’s been much more going on than I anticipated. Anyways, if you’d like to catch up on all of the Listmas posts from this year, including the lists of Top 50 Songs of 2013 and Top 50 Albums of 2013, it’s as simple as clicking this link. That will give you all the Listmas you can handle. The daily edition of Pick Your Poison is still on break too, at least for this week. Every Friday though I have been posting songs for you to download and stream, because believe it or not the music doesn’t stop coming just because of things like Christmas and New Year’s. So enjoy today’s extended version of Pick Your Poison to wrap up the week, and we should be getting back into the daily Pick Your Poison editions starting this upcoming Monday! Highlights this week come from Bypassers, David Bronson, Germany Germany, The Neighbourhood, Purples, Savaging Spires and Supervisor. In the Soundcloud section after the jump, stream songs from Britt Daniel (of Spoon/Divine Fits), FIckle Friends, Morgan Delt, SBTRKT and William Steffey, among others.

Avicii – Wake Me Up (SPRKZRZ Remix)

Bypassers – Cold Feet

David Bronson – The Lost

FRNKROK – WJW2R (Original Mix)

Germany Germany – On Your Own
Germany Germany – Run (ft. Brothertiger)

Gorgeous Bully – Sinking Feeling

Haunted Disco – Backseat Driver

High Rule – ET

Lana Del Rey – Summertime Sadness (Wolf Catcher Remix)

Lyriciss – The Reflection (Shot You Down Freestyle)

The Neighbourhood – Unfair

Nsolo – Breathe

Purples – Nancy

Savaging Spires – We Could Be Dead (Together)

Slippertails – Hip New Jerk
Slippertails – I Will Peel You Open

Steve Benjamins – Strangeness

Supervisor – City Lights

Tim Larson – 6

Listmas 2013: The Top 50 Albums of the Year [#20-11]

We’ve hit the home stretch, my friends. Time to count your blessings and prepare for the end…of this countdown, which will be coming soon. In the meantime though, here’s the next set of ten albums in this Top 50 Albums of 2013 countdown. In case you missed the first few entries, let me help you out with links to those:
Part I [#50-41]
Part II [#40-31]
Part III [#30-21]

It’s been a lot of fun so far, and there’s a lot more fun still on the way. In today’s set, you’ll find a few psychedelic and experimental pop records, along with small touches of electronica and hip hop. Join me after the jump for #20-11. I hope you enjoy them!

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