Really great collection of songs to stream today, spread across a wide variety of genres. Of course, that’s kind of the point behind Pick Your Poison in the first place. There’s a new record from Big Thief on the way soon, and the latest track from it keeps up the band’s streak of pairing the beautiful with the melancholy. You could say something very similar about “De-pression,” the new single from Jesse aka Jesse Jenkins, the bassist for Pure X. The way the beats, keyboards and bass guitar interact with one another makes for a markedly relaxed yet addictive melody. The piano and horns combo that punctuates the breezy “Through Your Fingers” from Pace gives it a very Motown vibe, which is quite enjoyable. Then there’s the fuzzy blend of garage and shoegaze that TOPS do so well, in yet another stunning preview of their forthcoming album. Don’t sleep on any of those, or the other tracks in this set from BOYBOY, Dirtyphonics, EMBRZ (ft. Meadowlark), RJ, Shine 2009 and more!

Big Thief – Shark Smile

Jesse – De-pression

Pace – Through Your Fingers

TOPS – Dayglow Bumbo

BOYBOY – Afraid

Dirtyphonics – Boombox

EMBRZ – Heartlines (ft. Meadowlark)

RJ – Brackin

Shine 2009 – D4WYL

Tei Shi – Keep Running (One Bit Remix)