It’s a long holiday weekend that if you haven’t kicked it off already, hopefully you will shortly. That is if you live in America. Faronheit will be taking Monday off as an observance of the July 4th holiday, just to give you some advanced warning. As you’re relaxing with some grilled food, cold beverages and bright fireworks, here’s today’s mini-sized version of Pick Your Poison. Okay, so it’s not so much fewer songs than normal, but I guess a bunch of record labels gave their employees a 4-day weekend because I got less than half the number of emails I normally do on a weekday. That’s neither here nor there I guess. So a new song from The Thermals is probably the most important and noticeable thing amongst the mp3s below. I’m also making special note of a special compilation put together by the good people over at Buffetlibre, who are looking to help out Amnesty International in preventing human rights abuses around the world. For pricing options ranging from 5-25 British pounds (check the exchange rate for your country), they’ll give you access to download 180+ exclusive songs by artists such as The Antlers, Mogwai, A Place to Bury Strangers, Ra Ra Riot, Asobi Seksu, The Spinto Band, Marissa Nadler, Apostle of Hustle, Crocodiles, Dan Deacon and a whole lot more. A few of the “bonus” tracks are featured below, including a Beatles cover by Sally Shapiro. Delightful stuff for a good cause, so please contribute if you can! And have a great 4th of July. Try not to get blown up by any fireworks.
Chinese Christmas Cards – Dreams
Buy the PEACE compilation from Buffetlibre and Amnesty International
C-Mon and Kypski – Turn of the Tides
C-Mon and Kypski – Bomba (Daniel Haaksman Remix)
The Hidden Cameras – Wild Mannered Army
Buy the PEACE compilation from Buffetlibre and Amnesty International
Sally Shapiro – Hello Goodbye (Beatles cover)
Buy the PEACE compilation from Buffetlibre and Amnesty International