Well, it’s the start of another week, and that can be depressing for a number of reasons. One of the more positive things I can say about today is that it heralds another daily edition of Pick Your Poison, where there are plenty of mp3s for you to pick, choose and download at your leisure. Today’s highlights include the newest Domino Records signing Chief, Deer Tick covering Katrina and the Waves, a John Prine live cut, and something new from Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin. Not half bad for a Monday.
Ball of Flame Shoot Fire – Mugs
Deer Tick – Sun Street (Katrina and the Waves cover)
The Great Red Shark and Jason Hunter – Wander With Me
Invisible Elephant – Communication Part II
Jenny Wilson – Only Here for the Fight
John Prine – Long Monday (Live)
Kids of 88 – My House (RAC Remix)
Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin – Sink/Let It Sway (follow link)