Normally on Mondays I’d have an extended edition of Pick Your Poison to get your week started right. That typically includes several downloads. This week I don’t have enough mp3s to make that possible, so a collection of only Soundcloud streams will have to do instead. The diverse highlights today come from the likes of Chappo, GoGo Penguin, and Julia Holter. Always happy to hear new stuff from all three of those artists. Head past the jump, and you’ll discover more songs from Balkan Bump (ft. Talib Kweli), Becky and the Birds, Downlowd, Hibou, Lauren Auder, Lean Chihiro, Strange Names (ft. Jorge Socarras), $uicideboy$, and Yoste.
Chappo – White Noise
GoGo Penguin – Window
Julia Holter – So Humble The Afternoon
Balkan Bump – Aymo (ft. Talib Kweli)
Becky and the Birds – Holding On
Downlowd – Enter the Maze
Hibou – Junipero Love
Lauren Auder – These Broken Limbs Again Into One Body
Lean Chihiro – Eww Starf
Strange Names – People To Go (ft. Jorge Socarras)
$uicideboy$ – FUCKALLOFYOU2K18
Yoste – Arc